Constantine Bay to Padstow
I'm not sure if you've noticed but these last three days we've been walking against the flow of the normal route (backwards). Today we finished the stretch between Padstow and Newquay. We started off where we started yesterday: Constantine Bay. Constantine Bay is a beautiful beach, the houses leading from the main road to the bay are big, decedent and exclusive (expensive real estate). Properties are advertised as 'prestige' holiday homes! The convenience store was the winner of the best cornish pasty 2016, it sold artisan bread... you get my drift, very pretentious. Along the way there was a few steep ascents, mostly rolling terrain, with lots of fiddley negotiation around more lovely coves and beaches. Luckily the tide had gone out enough for us to walk across Harlyn bay (if not we would have had to wait: the beach is the only route across this section). Although the stsge was only 11 miles, I'm not sure why, but if felt like a real slog today. Padstow was ...