Day 3: heavy rain stops play!

Heavy rain is forecast for the whole day. The clouds are so low we can't see beyond the campsite. We have therefore decided not to walk today. The low cloud yesterday meant we missed out on lovely views, don't want to do the same on this next stage: the highest point in the whole 630 mile path at the top of the Great Hangman. 


  1. Up hill and down dale in the rain
    For most is considered a pain
    But for headstrong young Julie
    She's not worried unduly
    'Cos we know she's completely insane!

    (boom boom!)

    1. Thank god it wasn't the ode of the big breasted woman!

    2. I'm sure she'll make an appearance at some point!
      Hope the weather is kinder today and you get to Great Hangman, looks amazing on google

  2. Fair weather walkers, I don't know, do we expect you back in the office next week?

  3. If it helps I'm off to Malaga tomorrow for a few days and it's 32° so I'll be soaked after swimming in the pool....good luck!!

  4. How is the weather now. Weather here is about the same, can't see beyond the campsite, mind you pretty ugly views here, so not missing much. Forecast looks a bit brighter for the next couple of day though. Keep on going, you'll get there.

    1. The rain stopped at about 4.30, it's beautiful here now. Looks like a glorious day tomorrow, so back to the footpath: looking at the map i think it will literally onwards and UPWARDS!


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